Monday, June 7, 2010

McAfee Mobile Content Safety

McAfee System Protection
Mobile content inspection and certification for mobile portals

Enhance your users’ mobile content experience with McAfee OK. Empower your users by providing them with an easy way to identify safe content on their mobile devices. McAfee OK protects your business and inspires user confidence. Put users at ease, so that they’ll feel increasingly comfortable accessing mobile applications and mobile content.

Keep customers coming back for mobile content
Win the business edge by instilling confidence in your users about usage and content consumption; rely on trusted McAfee security to make mobile content and applications safer for your customers; McAfee mobile core technology is deployed on more than 50 million mobile phones.
Always on, always current
Receive 24/7/365 remote threat updates of mobile and non-mobile malware, including PC malware detection
Reduce your risk and boost revenues
Limit exposure to mobile content and application security risks to protect your business and enhance your revenues
Leverage our brand
Customers recognize that McAfee means security; when they see the easily recognized McAfee OK logo, users can rest assured that your content is problem-free
Screen mobile malware with McAfee mobile core technology
Secure the content you offer with the McAfee OK server; features include logging and auditing of service activities, notification of selected service events via email, quarantine of suspicious content to allow for further analysis, web-based UI to enable service administration, usage statistics, and integrated engine for screening of PC-based malware
Keep protection up to date
Receive remote, automated threat intelligence updates from our dedicated, global mobile research and threat intelligence team
Rely on McAfee for ongoing support
Don't worry about maintaining a high level of security; McAfee's global support organization offers a variety of support options

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