Monday, June 13, 2011

LED Versus LCD Monitors

Computers are important electronic devices in a world of technology in which changes need to be made so as for all sorts of improvements to be made possible in all sorts of domains. Computers need to be good quality ones in order to enable such improvements. A very important hardware component which is said to widely influence the performance of our computers is the monitor on which results which come from all kinds of instructions which we require for the computer system to operate are displayed.
Nowadays there are numerous models of computer monitors available for everyone interested in learning more about them to analyze and compare. Many users have also been interested in being able to learn about important aspects related to the idea of considering a LED versus LCD monitors comparison, as they are widely used nowadays and users should be able to decide which of them they might enjoy more working with.

When trying to discuss about important aspects in a LED versus LCD monitors comparison there are important aspects which need to be mentioned and we should first of all mention that the main difference between LED and LCD monitors is related to their backlighting techniques.

This difference is very important to be taken in account because the lighting techniques are said to influence the picture quality very much and in this way they can represent an important factor which might help users decide which of these two types of backlighting techniques might be more appropriate for them to consider in a computer monitor. In this respect, in a comparison such as LED versus LCD monitors it needs to be mentioned the fact that LCD TV monitors use fluorescent type of tube lightning while LED TV monitors are said to use the light being emitted by diodes. It should also be made aware to all of us the fact that there are both diverse types of fluorescent lights and LED backlighting styles available nowadays.

Other aspects which should be considered in a comparison such as the LED versus LCD monitors one are the contrast presented by these monitors, the color accuracy presented by them, the viewing angles included, certain functional considerations which are also important, their longevity and many other such aspects which might enable users to decide which of them might be more appropriate to be used. In what concerns the contrast presented by these monitors it has been considered that most of the LED TV monitors are advantageous form this point of view.

In what concerns the color accuracy, things are somehow different as both monitors are said to be kind of equal in quality from this point of view. Certainly, this applies in cases in which the backlight color is not affected in any way because when this happens LED TV monitors are once again said to be more advantageous to be used. When discussing about the viewing angles, many users have also considered LED TV monitors to be better. Certainly, these opinions might not be the same among all of us but many of the users who have compared LCD and LED monitors have considered this to be the case.

There are also many situations in which LED TV monitors have been considered equal with LCD TV monitors and which are also important to be mentioned in a discussion on LED versus LCD monitors comparison. These situations refer to their use and to the quality of their video playback. There are also many features which cannot be generally considered either better or worse in one type of monitors or another as this depends on many factors and it cannot be made a general rule concerning them. Anyway, it is always possible for different users comparing LCD and LED monitors to have different opinions and in this way when we are interested in buying one type or another we should also try to compare them so as for a better decision to be made.

The age of CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) is long gone. Earlier TV and Computer monitors used CRT technology that used to generate their own light. But that is out of fashion now and the latest is LED technology. In between LED (Light Emitting Diode) and CRT monitors also came LCD monitors that are still in vogue. Most of the comparison today is between LCD and LED monitors.

It is important to compare LCD and LED technology because they have direct impact on the resolution of TV or computer monitor. Picture quality is the first thing that strikes you when you got to buy TV. Sharper the picture, better the quality. The picture quality of TV sets are directly impacted by the resolution, higher resolution means better picture.

In order to choose between LED Vs LCD monitors it is important to discuss the two technologies in detail. Although LED and LCD monitors use same technology, LEDs are latest and a little advanced.

LCD Technology

Liquid Crystal Display Monitors use cold cathode fluorescent lamps for backlighting. LCD displays manipulate external light to pass through polarized liquid crystals. Which means in order to produce an image on the monitor, the pixels in LCD have to be backlit. This technology uses fluorescent backlights for producing the image on the screen.

LED Technology

The basic technology used in LED and LCD is same. They both use backlight for producing image. The only difference is that while LCD uses fluorescent light, LED uses Light Emitting Diodes (LED) for creating the image on screen. Moreover, LED screens are basically LCD only. LED is an advancement of LCD technology.

Depending on the technology used by LCD and LED here are a few differences between an LCD and LED monitors:

Because LED uses diodes to create pictures on the screen the results are better in terms of picture sharpness and brightness. The colors are more realistic and come to life. If you are interested in graphics or aim at focusing on picture quality while buying a TV or computer, then LED is a much better choice. LED monitors are a great choice for graphic designers.

LED monitors are more expensive than LCD monitors because of the advanced technology. For people who want to focus on picture quality, LED monitors are the best bet. The cost comes into picture while buying TV. Televisions with LED monitors are almost 50% higher in price as compared to those with LCD monitors.

There is also a difference in the power consumption standards of LCD and LED TVs. LED TVs use 40% less power as compared to simple LCD technology. So the running cost of LED monitors is lesser than LCD monitors.

LED monitors are sleeker and lighter than LCD monitors. From this point of view LED monitors are better for wall mounting purpose when you are buying a TV.

Quick Facts on LCD Vs LED

LED monitors consume 40% less power than an LCD monitor. If we compare the screens of LED and LCD Television screens we see that while an LCD screen consumes 0.139 watts per square inch, an LED consumes 0.096 of the same.

2. LED Screens have a faster response time as compares to LCDs. While response time of LCDs ranges between 2 – 8 ms, an LED can respond in less than 0.01 ms.

3. LED monitors have a far better contrast ratio resulting in clearer and sharper pictures. While LCD monitors can produce 20:000 contrast ratio, an LED can produce 2.000:000 contrast ratio.

LED screens are capable of being sleeker and light weight as compared to LCD monitors. For example, Sony launched a 40 inch Bravia screen as thin as 9.9 mm.

From longevity point of view also, LED screens or TVs have longer life. They can run 100 thousand hours, while LCDs can run only for 60 thousand hours.

After reading this account on LCD Vs LED monitors we can conclude that LED monitors are finer versions of LCD technology. LEDs are the latest in monitor technology and offer ultimate color, contrast, and picture quality.

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