Thursday, July 7, 2011

Best Gaming Sound Card 2011

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD Internal Sound Card with THX SB1270

Opening up the parcel it is comforting that the Sound Blaster Titanium HD supports a wide range of I/O connectivity featuring ports for mics, headphones, home studio speakers, I/Pods, AV receivers and game consoles like X-Box & Playstation 3. One notices from the sound card design that headphone performance is optimized through 115 dB and 24 bit/96 kHz output support ensuring high definition playback. For musos using their PC’s for audio recordings, mic recordings are also impressive with latency reducing ASIO technology. Installing this card is particularly easy.

The Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD internal sound card has been constructed with top-grade components helping minimize distortion and augment audio playback. Featuring customizable op-amps, preferences can now be tailored for every user. The signal-to-noise ratio is outstanding allowing for first-rate music, movie and game audio playback. In fact, the EAX 5.0 technology makes game play so realistic that enemies are heard before they are seen. Audio buffs have been completely satisfied as the Creative X-Fi that’s optimized for Microsoft Windows 7 and Vista systems.

The THX TruStudio PC effects takes you on a journey to another place with true High-Definition (HD) multimedia. The Titanium HD features THX's TruStudio Pro technology helps with the preservation of the original balance timbre of film audio. Card components pays attention to the pitch details of audio high and mid tones, while lows are defined and tight. Dolby Digital and DTS decoding formats allow your new system multi channel and 5.1 surround sound capabilities. Enhancing your gaming experience, the Titanium HD functions as a dedicated sound unit freeing up resources that’s tied up in audio processes and your PC then diverts it to more crucial tasks like graphical and AL processing. 

Users have tested the audio properties with Westone 3 headphones mentioning the bass along with the soundstage is incredible. It has also been tested with Sennheizer HD800 with 21.8 feet of total cord connected to the Titanium X-Fi HD having no problem to drive the HD800’s 300 ohm nominal impedance. The top-end DAC (Digital to Analog converter) is high grade and its DAC (Burr-Brown PCM1794) parallels other expensive high end CD players (for instance Cary Audio Design CD 306 and Halcro EC800).

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